Expert Wind Damage Repairs - Always An Exact Shingle Color Match
Roof Related Issues & Problems Investigated and Properly Resolved
Roof, Valley & Flashing Leaks Repaired
Skylight, Power Fan &Heating Cable Installation
Ventilation, Rotted Wood & Ice Dam Problems
Emergency Snow & Ice Removal
Installation of Whole House, Garage & Flat Roofs (Tear-Offs & Lay-Overs)

This diagram shows a proper roof installation, from the felt paper to the flashing details. A well planned roof will provide you leak-free service as well as remain aesthetically appealing for years. Paying close attention to details is very important. From shingle colors to flashing and gutter colors, a roof and it's accessories can make a major impact on your home's exterior. When the homeowner and the contractor work together on the details, the end result can be dramatically pleasing.

Sanitary Stacks
This is an example of a rotted sanitary stack flashing. After about seven to eight years, these deteriorate rapidly and should be replaced. When this problem exists, leaks in the bathroom ceiling, sometimes laundry rooms as well, are common.

This is a new sanitary stack flashing installed by Accurate Services.
This was an attempt by someone to reseal an already damaged sanitary stack. Soon after this new caulk is applied, it will end up separating from the stack itself, once again leaking.

Sanitary stack flashings should never be sealed. Certain sealers are petroleum-based and can accelerate further deterioration to the rubber seal that already exists, creating even more of a leak hazard.

Downspout Extensions
Downspout extensions on lower roofs are critical in preserving the life of the roof. Rainwater mixes with dirty gutter debris in the uppermost gutters, which in turn flows over the lower roof, staining and prematurely damaging it.
The staining on this roof could have been avoided had this downspout extension been installed shortly after the roof was completed.

Roof Maintenance and Repairs
Furnace pipes tend to rust badly. When rain water hits this rusty pipe, it runs off, creating a dark rust colored stain, ruining the roof surface below. Not to mention, looks aesthetically displeasing.